Step 2: Once in the Google Play store search for iMaxCamPro. This will bring up several options for software download. The various options allow for additional options in functionality and high resolution display. For this example we will install IMaxCam.
Step 3: Once the app is installed open it
App Splash Screen
Step 4: Tap the menu icon on the top left corner to access the menu as shown in the picture.
Step 5: Tap the DEVICE MANAGER option to enter your DVR/NVR login information
Step 6: Once in device manager tap the plus sign button (+), in the top right corner to advance to the next screen.
Step 7: In the add device screen, select IP/Domain
Step 8: Enter the information of your NVR/DVR system.
In this example we have entered World Eye Cam demo cameras information.
IP Address:
Mobile Phone Port on APP: 38888
User Name: demo
Password: 12123
Step 9: Press the "Start Live Preview" button to start watching the cameras.
This is the Live Preview screen. The app will display up to 16 cameras at a time.