1. Select Model :

2. Select Recording Codec:

Wavelet: 320x240 640x480
MPEG-4: 320x240 640x480
Geo MPEG-4: 320x240 640x480 720x480
3.Select Recording Quality: Low
4. Select complexity of the recording video: Simple
5. Select how many hours per day to record: Hour(s)
6. Enter number of days to record:  Day(s)
  Required HDD Size: Gigabyte(s)

Terms of Use

The HDD size required in your computer may vary from this calculated test result under some conditions. Total storage capacity may vary depending on complexity of video scenes, computer specifications and features used on the actual installation sites. Test results and information obtained from this calculator are furnished for informational use only. It is user's responsibility to test and allocate appropriate HDD size for his DVR systems. Worldeyecam, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any consequences that may arise from the use of HDD Calculator.