00810 PS3 BSS 24 POWER SUPPLY 24V-PS3-BFS-24

SKU: 00810
This is economical and reliable, these general purpose, cabinet enclosed units are available in 6, 12, 18 or 24 VDC models at 1, 3, or 4 Amperes. Intended to provide main, standby, or auxiliary power to non-listed systems, these devices are supplied complete with locking cabinet and transformer. Charge capacity ranges from 4 to 38 Amphours depending on model.
    • 42% less
    Market price:$579.96 save $241.65
  • $338.31
"This is economical and reliable, these general purpose, cabinet enclosed units are available in 6, 12, 18 or 24 VDC models at 1, 3, or 4 Amperes. Intended to provide main, standby, or auxiliary power to non-listed systems, these devices are supplied complete with locking cabinet and transformer. Charge capacity ranges from 4 to 38 Amphours depending on model. It is 24 VDC and 3 Amp current capability.It has fault status reporting and key lockable cabinet. It has vented cabinet and In-Cabinet Battery Storage Capacity 8Ah @ 24 Volts. "

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