Alaska Video Surveillance Systems



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Video Surveillance Systems in Alaska

Alaska is a state bordering Canada in the United States. It is the largest state by area but one of the least populated, with a current estimated population of 736,732. The land was inhabited solely by indigenous tribes until the mid-17th century when Russian settlers began arriving in the area. The first permanent European settlement was established in 1784. During this time, Spain also sent many expeditions to Alaska in hopes of claiming it as part of its land along the Pacific Northwest. In the 19th century, Russia expanded its domination over the land with many new colonies being established. Despite their attempts, Russian colonization of the area was not very successful and in 1867 the land was bought from Russia by the US government. American settlement was sparse until the 1890s when several gold rushes in the nearby Yukon Territory brought many settlers to Alaska. The land was organized into the Alaska Territory in 1912 and Juneau was named as the territorial capital. The early economy was dominated by mining, fishing and logging. Alaskan delegates began campaigning for statehood and after many years Alaska was admitted as the 49th state in 1959. The 1960s and 70s saw an oil boom for Alaska with discovery of oil in Prudhoe Bay and the completion of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. After a major oil spill in 1989, oil drilling became a heavily debated issue in the state. Today the oil industry still dominates the Alaskan economy with 80% of the state’s revenue derived from petroleum extraction. Military and tourism also play significant roles in the local economy. Popular recreational activities in Alaska include many winter sports and the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.

Crime rates in Alaska are quite high and it has often been cited as one of the most dangerous states in the US by publications such as Forbes and USA Today. Violent crime, in particular, is quite high. Violent crimes such as murder, assault and rape occur at a rate of 603.2 per 100,000 residents. That is nearly twice as high as the national average. The chance of becoming a victim of a violent crime in Alaska is 1 in 156. While violent crime rates are alarmingly high, residents are more likely to become victims of property crimes such as burglary and theft. The chance of becoming a victim of one of these crimes is 1 in 35. The two most commonly committed crimes in Alaska are theft and assault. In 2013 there were 16,599 reported cases of theft and 3,128 cases of assault. Alaskans can protect themselves from these types of crimes by installing surveillance systems on their property. Homes and businesses with surveillance systems are known to experience less crime than those without. Surveillance footage can also lead to the capture of criminals if a crime does occur.

Alaska State Capitol
120 4th St
Juneau, AK 99801

Governor's Mansion
716 Calhoun Ave
Juneau, AK 99801

Anchorage Museum
625 C St
Anchorage, AK 99501

Not sure where to start? Talk to a SpecialistTalk to a Specialist to get recommendations on the best system for your Alaska property.

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