DITEK Surge Protection Training - As Close As Your Computer Screen!

Learn how DITEK surge protection can add value to your CCTV, Fire, Security or AC Power jobs via Webinars. DITEK's experienced staff of sales and technical support professionals are ready to provide Webinar training to you and your staff, as you need it. DITEK's Web-based product training is a free service provided to dealers, distributors, installers, and integrators and covers a variety of topics. Webinars can be scheduled for as few as 30 minutes, or as long as 2 hours, with participants from up to 10 different locations. Typical Webinar topics include:
• What is a surge?
• What causes surges?
• How surge protection works
• Application examples: CCTV, Fire, Access/Intrusion, Power, Residential
• How to choose a surge protector
• Value-add strategies - how, when and where to specify surge Provide another valuable service to your customers - call DITEK at 800-753-2345 to arrange a DITEK surge Webinar today!

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