GeoVision How do I record video (selected cameras) by input trigger?

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To start round-the-clock recording on selected cameras by input(s)
Note: all cameras will record by motion when input trigger is off.
Note: a maintained switch is required. For example, light switch.

  1. Click on Configure button, System Configure, Camera Configure.
  2. Select Motion Detection and apply the same setting on all cameras.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Click on Configure, Accessories, I/O Device, I/O Application Setting.
  5. Select the Input number, then check Rec. Videoand enter 1 sec.
  6. Click on the green arrow to the right and check on the applicable cameras to record round-the-clock when input is triggered.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click on Monitoring button, then Start All Monitoring.

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