GeoVision Integrate Arecont cameras to Mulitcam v8.5.9

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To have AV20185DN / AV12186DN / AV40185DN model integrated into Multicam v8.5.9.


1. Installed v8.59 Multicam software
2. Unzip the files
3. Copy / Overwrite all the files from GVXXX folder into C:\GV-Folder
4. Copy / Overwrite a GeoIPCamXList.dll + IPCamX folder from Windows folder into C:\
5. Start Multicam v8.59 and you should be able to see the AV20185DN / AV12186DN / AV40185DN options under our list.

*** The patch is based on Multicam v8.59 and is to add on the top of Multicam v8.59.
*** This patch support total 3 Arecont cameras, AV20185DN / AV12186DN / AV40185DN
Arecont IPcam

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