GeoVision POS Integration Dictionary

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Baud Rate - Corresponding to the Serial Rate of Data Transfer. Typical Baud Rate is usually 9600.

Back of the House Server - Server which typically stores transactions from the Front of the House Register Systems.

Color Keyword - Feature in Geovision GV-DVR/NVR which allows for certain key words to be highlighted from the receipt feed

COM Port - Also known as the RS-232 or Serial Port, this interface usually corresponds to data communication on older equipment in which uses the RS-232 Serial Communication protocol and Serial Printers.

Data Capture Box - Geovision Box which converts Printer Information from Parallel to either Serial Data or the ability to send the data over TCP. Also works with Serial Connections which splits the printer feed between the printer and DVR. Requires a Printer Connected to the Data Capture Box.

DB25 Serial - Connection configuration used ts GAS Station Point of Sales in which is commonly confused with Parallel Printers.

Feedback - Signals generated by the register in which creates text / instability on the either register. May otherwise show up as garbled text.

Gender Changer - Simply Changes the connector, allowing you to connect a Female Connector to another Female Connector etc.

Journal Printer - A secondary printer that can be setup on the POS / Terminal on the Point of Sale Software.

Keystroke for Keystroke - As opposed to printing the whole receipt ( batch print), this will typically print the receipt line by line. This feature is typically used in integrations which Utilize TCP/IP XML Streams.

Network Printer - printer which utilizes TCP Protocol or which uses Ethernet Connections.

Null Modem Adapter - Adapter which typically reverses the TX/RX lines, allowing the devices to communicate.

POS Module - In Geovision Software, this refers to how the Text from Serial Port / Text Overlay is processed into our system.

POS Data Sender - Ability to Listen to Journal Files ( .jnl, .txt., .dat, OPOS, TCP) with Graphical Receipts over TCP/IP / Serial.

POS Text Sender - Ability to Listen to Journal Files ( .jnl, .txt, .dat, OPOS, TCP) with non-graphics receipts over TCP/IP / Serial.

Parallel Cable - Cable used to communicate between Parallel Communication devices. Commonly uses the Centronics Parallel Connector.

Parallel Printer - Legacy Technology which uses the DB25 Connector and signal which connects to the LPT port on a Register.

Receipt Printer - Printer which prints receipts and typically does not display Loss Prevention Actions.

Serial over RJ45 - connectors are RJ-45 / Ethernet, Signal is Serial.

Serial Cable - DB9 Cable used to communicate between RS-232 / DB9 / Serial Devices. Corresponds to Pins 2,3,5

Serial / RJ45 Adapter - Allows the installer to bypass the 15 foot connection limitation of a Serial connection by using a normal RJ-45 Cable as opposed to using a Serial Cable.

Serial Y Cable - Cable Which can split a Serial feed to two Devices.

Serial Printer - Printer which utilize a RS-232/ COM Port for Printer ASCII Text on a Receipt.

Text Overlay - Overlay ASCII Text over a Camera Picture.

TCP/IP / XML Feed - TCP IP Feed which sends XML Data, as opposed to ASCII Data, over a TCP/IP Connection. Typically larger POS providers have this feature.

Triport Adapter - Adapter in which is used for "spying on" Serial over Parallel Connections.

Garbage - Condition in which the Serial or Parallel data has the right Physical Connections, but the wrong software settings.

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