GeoVision Webcam Setup Guide (pt. 3)

Example 2 Netgear DG834

Open Internet Explorer
Enter the router IP address (Router IP) in the Address Bar
Enter the User name and Password
Default User name admin default Password <blank>

Click on Services under Firewall
on Add Custom Service

Create a service for 4550
the Service GV1
Set Type
to TCP
Set Start Port
to 4550
Set Finish Port
to 4550
Click Apply

Create a service for 5550
the Service GV2
Set Type
to TCP
Set Start Port
to 5550
Set Finish Port
to 5550
Click Apply

Click on Rules under Firewall
Click on Add under Inbound Services

Type the following
on Apply

Click on Add under Inbound Services
Type the following
on Apply

Click on Add under Inbound Services
Type the following
on Apply

Click on Apply

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