How to add iMaxCamPro device to Easy Viewer App
Easy Viewer/Add iMaxCamPro Device via P2P
Add iMaxCamPro Device via P2P
This article will cover how to add a iMaxCamPro device to Easy Viewer via P2P
- iMaxCamPro device already initialized
- Easy Viewer Installed
Video Instructions
Step by Step Instructions
1. On the local monitor or web interface of the iMaxCamProDevice navigate to Network > P2P.
Verify P2P is enabled and the status is "Online".
2. In the Easy Viewer mobile app tap the + at the top of the Home screen 3. Tap on SN/Scan 4. Scan the QR code on the right side from Step 1 or tap on Manually Enter SN 5. If the SN isn't already in the field under "Device SN and Security Code", enter it there.
Select Local if you just want to add it to this mobile device or select Account if you want to add it to the iMaxCamPro Easy Viewer Account you are logged into.
Select Next at the bottom. 6. Tap on the type of iMaxCamPro device you are adding. 7. Give the device a name in the field next to Device Name.
Input the login account username in the field next to Username.
Input the login account password in the field next to Device Password.
Tap on Save at the top. 8. If the device has been successfully added, you will see the live view