Linksys Remote Access Guide for GeoVision
for GeoVision
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To setup port forwarding on this router your computer needs to have a static ip address.
Or you can take alook at our Static IP Address guide to setup a static ip address. When you are finished setting up a static ip address, please come back to this page and enter the ip address you setup in the Static IP Address box below.
Do not skip this step!

Open a web browser like Internet Explorer or Firefox. Enter the internal IP address of your router in the address bar of your browser. If you do not know your routers internal IP address please read our How To Find Your Routers IP Address guide.
In the picture above the address bar has in it. Just replace all of that with the internal IP address of your router. By default the IP address should be set to

You should see a box prompting you for your password. Enter your password now. By default your password is admin. Click the Ok button to log in to your router.
Please visit our Default Router Passwords page if the username and password shown above do not work for you.

Click the Applications & Gaming link near the top of the page.
This router has two different sections that allow you to forward ports. One section allows you to forward a range of ports, and the other allows you to forward a single port. To forward a range of ports, click Port Range Forwarding. To forward a single port, click Single Port Forwarding.

We will list a series of lines here that will show you exactly how to forward the ports you need to forward. GeoVision Webcam requires you to forward the following ports: 21,80,3389,4550,5550,6550. Go ahead and enter the settings shown above into the Single Port Forwarding or Port Range Forwarding menu.
Single Port Forwarding | |||||
Application Name | External Port | Internal Port | Protocol | To IP Address | Enabled |
192.168.1. |
You should see another page of settings that need to be entered into one of the blank lines on your routers Single Port Forwarding or Port Range Forwarding page. Go ahead and enter those settings now.
Single Port Forwarding | |||||
Application Name | External Port | Internal Port | Protocol | To IP Address | Enabled |
192.168.1. |
You should see another page of settings that need to be entered into one of the blank lines on your routers Single Port Forwarding or Port Range Forwarding page. Go ahead and enter those settings now.
Single Port Forwarding | |||||
Application Name | External Port | Internal Port | Protocol | To IP Address | Enabled |
192.168.1. |
You should see another page of settings that need to be entered into one of the blank lines on your routers Single Port Forwarding or Port Range Forwarding page. Go ahead and enter those settings now.
Single Port Forwarding | |||||
Application Name | External Port | Internal Port | Protocol | To IP Address | Enabled |
192.168.1. |
You should see another page of settings that need to be entered into one of the blank lines on your routers Single Port Forwarding or Port Range Forwarding page. Go ahead and enter those settings now.
Single Port Forwarding | |||||
Application Name | External Port | Internal Port | Protocol | To IP Address | Enabled |
192.168.1. |
You should see another page of settings that need to be entered into one of the blank lines on your routers Single Port Forwarding or Port Range Forwarding page. Go ahead and enter those settings now.
Single Port Forwarding | |||||
Application Name | External Port | Internal Port | Protocol | To IP Address | Enabled |
192.168.1. |
When you're finished, click Save Settings near the bottom of the screen to save your changes.
And that's it! You're done!