Enable Skype Live Video Notifications

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Version 8.5.5 of the GeoVision software supports live Video Notifications to any device that supports Skype. In order to set up this feature with your GeoVision system, follow these easy steps:


  • Within the GeoVision Main System software installer, install the "GV-Skype Video Utility".
  • You will need two Skype accounts for the video notifications to work. Create a specific Skype account just for your DVR system and then add your normal Skype account to its contact list.
  • Make sure Skype is running on the DVR system, and then start the GeoVision Main System and the GV-Skype Video Utility.
  • Locate the GV-Skype Video Utility in your taskbar, right click the icon, and go into the Settings.
  • Select the cameras you want to send video notifications from and in each menu specify what Skype account will receive the notifications.

    When the camera specified in the utility notices a motion event, the account you specified will receive a Skype Video Call from your GeoVision system and you will see the motion event the camera just witnessed.


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