Setting up Network configuration guide 1-2.
Check List, before doing this step:
Make sure you have completed the Setting up Network configuration guide 1-1
Make sure you have computer
Make sure your computer it is on the same network as your (DVR or NVR)
Make sure you have internet signal.
Make sure you have all the info, have written down
1. Look for and double click for your (Internet Explorer) icon.

2. In the address bar type in http:// (the ip address on the DVR or NVR), and
hit Enter
Note: example how to type in the address:

3. You might get a prompt to installed the Active X Controls

*Go to (Tools)

Select (Internet options)

Select the (Security Tab)

Select (Trusted Sites)

Select (Site)

Select (ADD)
Note: before adding it, make sure the (Require server verification (https:) for
all sites in the Zone) option doesnt have a check mark

Once its added, select (Close)

Select (Custom Level)

On the (Reset Custom Setting), change it to (Low)

Then select (Reset) icon, and then Yes. When you get the a message (Are you
sure you want to change the setting for this zone?).

Then Ok,
Note: After selecting (Ok), a message (are you sure you want to change the
settings for zone?). Select (yes)

Once back to the (Internet Options), select Apply then Ok

4. Closed Internet Explorer , then re-open it and re type the IP Address of your
*Note: If asked to installed the Active X control again, make sure to select
(Installed) for all prompts.

Once you get the Login screen, go ahead and login.
Note: Default login information below, unless change it has been modified.
User Name: admin
Password: admin

Once you login, this screen will show:

Then Select (Open All) option, all the cameras should start showing up: