Setting up Network configuration guide 1-2.

Setting up Network configuration guide 1-2.

Check List, before doing this step:

� Make sure you have completed the Setting up Network configuration guide 1-1
� Make sure you have computer
� Make sure your computer it is on the same network as your (DVR or NVR)
� Make sure you have internet signal.
� Make sure you have all the info, have written down

1. Look for and double click for your (Internet Explorer) icon.

2. In the address bar type in http:// (the ip address on the DVR or NVR), and hit Enter
Note: example how to type in the address:

3. You might get a prompt to installed the Active X Controls

*Go to (Tools)

� Select (Internet options)

� Select the (Security Tab)

� Select (Trusted Sites)

� Select (Site)

� Select (ADD)
Note: before adding it, make sure the (Require server verification (https:) for all sites in the Zone) option doesn�t have a check mark

� Once it�s added, select (Close)

� Select (Custom Level)

� On the (Reset Custom Setting), change it to (Low)

� Then select (Reset) icon, and then Yes. When you get the a message (Are you sure you want to change the setting for this zone?).

� Then Ok,
Note: After selecting (Ok), a message (are you sure you want to change the settings for zone?). Select (yes)

� Once back to the (Internet Options), select Apply then Ok

4. Closed Internet Explorer , then re-open it and re type the IP Address of your DVR/NVR

� Example:
*Note: If asked to installed the Active X control again, make sure to select (Installed) for all prompts.

Once you get the Login screen, go ahead and login.
Note: Default login information below, unless change it has been modified.
User Name: admin
Password: admin

Once you login, this screen will show:

Then Select (Open All) option, all the cameras should start showing up:


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