ï How to Setup PTZ in Geovision
Uncover the dome shape glass on the top of camera, then place the camera vertically to the center part of camera out.
Follow the instruction lable inside the case of the camera, push the center part of the camera then twist it to left to open.
Take the center part out and flip it to the other side, there are two dip switches that we need to setup before we use. The one on the left is Protocol Select switch, and the right one is Address Select switch. For this demo, we are using "Samsung 1600(SPD-1600)". Thus, DIP-1 and DIP-2 of Protocaol Select switch should be ON and the rest of Protocaol Select should be OFF. (Note: For more details of Protocol Selection switch, please go through the PTZ manual and look for more setting of different brands.)
This table shows states of coding switches of protocols selected by the PTZ camera.
For the setting of Address Select switch, it is used to set address of the PTZ camera from 1- 1023. The coding switches from DIP-10 to DIP-1 are equivalent to a 10-bit binary digital. The state "ON" of each bit means 1 while "OFF" means 0. For this example, we are using address 1 for this PTZ camera 1, i will set DIP-1 to ON, and the rest of them are OFF.
This table shows states of coding switches of some addresses.
Place the center part to the right positin inside the metal case. Follow the instruction label inside the case of the camera, push the center part of the camera then twist it to right to lock.
Connect RS-485 wires to the GV-Net Box and RS-232 goes to COM port on the computer.
Make a connection with the other end of I-O cable to the RS485 Control connector of PTZ camera. Red to orange, black to yellow.
There are also two different wires on the other end of adaptor. Black -- (-), Red -- (+)
Make a connection with the other end of adaptor to the Power In Connector of PTZ camera. Black to Black, Red to Red
Check "PTZ Device Setup", then pull down the PTZ camera list and select "Samsung(SPD-1600)"
Click on the circled icon, then Samsung Setup window pops up. Check Activate, and make sure which COM Port is opened. In this example, we are using COM1.
Click on PTZ Control icon on the right, then select which address of PTZ camera is using. In this example, we are using Addr 1. After that, we can fully control PTZ camera with this control panel.