User (Account) Has Been Locked
Bronze, Gold, and Platinum iMaxCamPro DVR's
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If you have forgotten your password and try to enter it more than 5 times unsuccessfully in a row, our iMaxCamPro DVR/NVRs are designed to lock the account that is being used. This security measure is set in place to prevent brute force login attempts and to prevent hackers from logging in. Unfortunately, even if you do attempt to log in with the right password, the account will still be locked. There are only two ways to override the account being locked. Either:
- Wait 30 minutes without another login attempt. This includes locally at the DVR or remotely over the network or using a mobile device. If no other login attempts happen 30 minutes after the last unsuccessful login attempt, the system will unlock the locked account.
- Remove power from back of DVR and re-connect power after 1 minute.
If you still find yourself not able to remember your account password, you will need to follow the directions listed here.